Monday, June 11, 2007

#3 What is big 4

Big 4 is a short abbreviation for 4 of the audit companies who are dominating the supply of auditing services worldwide. Big 4, namely Price Waterhouse Coopers, Ernst & Young, Deloitte and KPMG have their offices across the different regions in the world.

The services provided by Big 4 could be categorized into three main areas: advisory, taxation & audit. There would be different sub-categories within each area. For instance, there are financial service audit, commercial audit (including audit across different industry, e.g. manufacturing), small to medium enterprise audit, US GAAP audit, and others. Each specialization would have a target group (by industry, by region, by accounting standard).

Recruitment processes in Big 4 are considered competitive and selective. Since their main focus are corporate client, including the big conglomerate group, they prefer high fliers in the University.


Anony said...

so are you working in one of the Big4? i didnt qualify cuz iw asnt near outstanding

Anonymous said...

so are you working in one of the Big4? i didnt qualify cuz iw asnt near outstanding

Anonymous said...

Big 4s are everywhere. Their invasion is very strong. However , middle and large firms are giving them strong competition. These firms are carried on either by EX BIG4 employees or the friends of the person working in a big 4. Anybody who has understood the philosophy of the working of big4s ( including BDO , GT , S&T etc.) are in the league to be called as BIG 5th.